Top Career Opportunities You Can Pursue with a Marketing Degree

Top Career Opportunities You Can Pursue with a Marketing Degree

A marketing degree provides a flexible base from which one can enter into any number of career paths that reflect the range found in this entrepreneurial field.

With companies realizing the importance of solid marketing solutions, graduates have a lot of job opportunities.

We will unveil the top jobs with marketing degree one can do, which include lucrative career paths and average salary range details across various levels in the industry.

Entry-Level Marketing Positions

Entry-level positions are common first jobs for new college grads; they offer the opportunity to do more complex work and advance later in your career.

Here are some of the common marketing degree career options at this level:

  • Marketing Assistant: Assisting marketing campaigns, researches, and administrative tasks. Average salary: $50,082.
  • Social Media Coordinator: This job involves creating content, engaging the followers and managing a company’s social media accounts. Average salary: $54,000.
  • Market Research Analyst: Forecasts market trends to help businesses make knowledgeable choices about their customers. Average salary: $70,035.

These positions provide valuable real-world learning experiences in communicating, project management, and data analysis.

Mid-Level Marketing Careers

Through experience, marketing professionals may move into mid-level roles that require specialization and supervision skills.

Students often enhance their qualifications through coursework writing, which focuses on practical marketing strategies and concepts.

By mastering Marketing fundamentals in their coursework, graduates are better prepared to take on roles such as marketing coordinators, digital marketers, or brand specialists.

Strong coursework not only provides theoretical knowledge but also hones the skills necessary for real-world marketing challenges. Here are some of the best careers in marketing field if you possess this level.

  • Marketing Manager: Coordinates marketing campaigns, budgets, and does team leadership. Average salary: $89,722.
  • Brand Manager: Ensures a consistent and strategic brand image across all marketing initiatives. Average salary: $100,000.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: Specializes in online marketing strategies, such as SEO, PPC and content development. Average salary: $75,000.

Oftentimes, these roles are a marriage between creativity and analytical prospects as marketing professionals have to assess how well their strategies work through data and make calls based on this information.

Advanced Career Paths

Advanced roles are for those who wish to take their marketing career several levels higher- and with it comes more responsibilities and better pay.

Often, positions like the one listed above require significant experience and a history of successful deliverables:

  • A Director of Marketing: Develops and executes marketing plans which align with business objectives. Average salary: $110,000.
  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Director-level marketing leadership that decides on product positioning and brand strategy. Average pay: $150,000 to 320,000.
  • Marketing Consultant: Boutique consultant for marketing to businesses about specific things they can do to make sure their business takes more than one best practice. Average salary: $90,000.

Many of these positions necessitate graduate-level education —like an MBA— and years of in-field experience.

Specialized Marketing Roles

Other specific roles aligned with the contemporary marketing paradigm which graduates have access through this pathway (in addition to traditional ones):

  • Content Marketing Manager: Implements and strategizes content for customer engagement and sales. Average salary: $80,000.
  • Public Relations Specialist: Controls the public image of a company and liaises with the media. Average salary: $65,000.
  • Event Marketing Manager: Develops and manages events to market products or services. Average salary: $70,000.

These are specialized roles that focus on mastery of some one particular type of marketing channels or approaches.

The Importance of Networking and Internships

Marketing majors need to aggressively seek internships and entrepreneurial experiences if they want a competitive leg-up on the competition. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that internships can increase employability and hands-on experience tremendously.

You can also network and develop your career by joining professional organizations like the American Marketing Association. With a great network and some experience from internships — soon-to-be grads can both get their first job and have an inevitable career progression into marketing.

The Role of Continuing Education in Marketing Careers

As with any career, internships and networking are important ways in which to set yourself up for future success, but continuing education is also an integral part of a marketing professional’s development.

The marketing world is ever changing, with new technologies and trends popping off each week. By getting further certifications, attending workshops, taking online courses etc., marketing professionals can keep themselves updated on the latest in their industry.

Certifications and Online Courses

Such certifications as digital marketing, content marketers and data analytics can add to the CV of a graduate are working that shows the employer how well an expert you.

Creating spaces for professionals to sharpen their competitive edges and expand knowledge, platforms like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning (once called, or HubSpot Academy have something on offer for everyone.

Industry Conferences and Workshops

Industry conferences like the Content Marketing World Conference or the MarketingProfs B2B Forum is another way to learn from industry experts, get takeaways on what’s trending now and most importantly meet new peers.

Sometimes, workshops tend to offer specialization such as social media marketing or even search engine optimization (SEO) leaving the attendees much more knowledgeable in a particular area.

The Future of Marketing Careers

The marketing realm is always changing, especially now that we are in the digital area. Precautions are supposed to be observed in the best interest of everyone and so is expected from Hubspot report that digital marketing professionals will greatly increase demand in 2020 due to more use of online channels for consumer engagement.

Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, marketing is expected to experience an average 6% growth rate through 2022 and into 2032.

These numbers show just how much marketing continues to be relevant and a key part of most industries, from tech to healthcare or finance.

A marketing degree opens up many career paths for marketing graduates just starting out as well as people with experience. The demand for marketing talent will only further grow as businesses continue to keep effective methods of communication a top priority.

The more general a marketing degree, the better — graduates still in college should work hard to hone their transferable skills and obtain hands-on experience while building an industry network to maximize their marketing degree professional opportunities.

Those who change and succeed will be in the best place going forward with marketing ever-changing business.

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