Fun Activities Starting with Y to Start Yearly Traditions

11 Fun Activities Starting with Y to Start Yearly Traditions

Creating family traditions is an important part of childhood memories and bonding experiences.

However, coming up with fresh, engaging activities year after year can be a challenge.

This blog post provides fun and creative activities, starting with the letter “Y,” to incorporate into your yearly traditions.

From crafting things with yarn and yellow play dough to exploring yummy snacks and games like yo-yo, these activities are perfect for preschoolers and young children.

They promote learning and development and create cherished moments of laughter and joy.

Get ready to kickstart new yearly traditions your little ones will always love.

Fun Activities That Start with Y

1. Yarn Art Projects

Yarn Art Projects

Unleashing creativity through yarn art is an excellent way to engage young minds while teaching them about the letter Y.

These hands-on activities foster fine motor skills and pattern recognition, providing little ones a canvas to explore their artistic talents.


  • Step 1: Gather an assortment of yarn in various colors and textures.
  • Step 2: Choose a sturdy base, such as cardboard or thick paper, to serve as the foundation for your masterpiece.
  • Step 3: Lightly sketch the letter Y or any desired shape on the surface as a guide.
  • Step 4: Add a generous amount of child-friendly glue along the sketched lines.
  • Step 5: Carefully place the yarn strands on the glued areas, gently pressing them down to secure them.
  • Step 6: Encourage your child to experiment with different yarn colors and lengths, creating unique patterns and designs.
  • Step 7: Once the artwork is complete, allow ample time to dry thoroughly before displaying it or adding embellishments like pom-poms or buttons.

When the fun is over, store the yarn neatly for future use and clean up any stray strands to maintain a tidy workspace.

With a little guidance and plenty of creativity, yarn art can become a beloved yearly tradition that sparks joy and learning.

2. Yellow Play Dough Y’s

Yellow Play Dough Y's

Sensory play and alphabet recognition go hand-in-hand with this delightful activity involving homemade yellow play dough. It stimulates a child’s senses and fine motor skills and reinforces the shape and sound of the letter Y, promoting early literacy development.


  • Step 1: Add 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, two tablespoons of tartar cream, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 cups of water, and a few drops of yellow food coloring.
  • Step 2: Mix the flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a saucepan, then gradually add the water while stirring constantly.
  • Step 3: Cook over medium heat until the dough forms a ball, then remove from heat and knead in the oil and food coloring until you achieve a smooth, pliable texture.
  • Step 4: Once the play dough is ready, invite your little ones to roll, pinch, and mold it into the letter Y. Encourage them to use their creativity, forming the letter in different sizes and styles.

For added fun, you can provide cookie cutters or stencils to trace the letter shape.

When playtime is over, store the yellow play dough in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag to keep it soft and fresh for future use.

If the dough becomes too dry or crumbly, gently knead in a small amount of water.

Proper cleanup is essential, so wipe down surfaces and wash your hands thoroughly to remove any residual dough or coloring.

3. Crafting the Letter Y

Crafting the Letter Y

Crafting with the letter Y is a delightful way to foster creativity and improve fine motor skills in young children.

This hands-on activity allows little ones to explore various materials while reinforcing letter recognition and having fun.


  • Step 1: To begin, trace and cut out a large letter Y from the cardboard or heavy paper. This will serve as the base for your child’s craft project. Next, let their imagination run wild by decorating the letter Y with the provided materials. Please encourage them to glue yarn strands onto the letter for a cozy texture, create patterns, or cover the entire surface.
  • Step 3: Tissue paper squares can be crumpled and glued on for a vibrant, textured effect. Or, let them use paint to create a colorful masterpiece, experimenting with different brushstrokes and techniques.
  • Step 4: Extend the activity by introducing decorative elements like glitter, beads, or fabric scraps.

The possibilities are endless, and the creation process will foster a sense of accomplishment and pride in your child.

Once the craft is complete, display it proudly in your home or classroom.

It will remind you of the joy and learning that took place.

4. Yellow Scavenger Hunt

Yellow Scavenger Hunt

Embarking on a yellow scavenger hunt is an excellent way to develop observational skills and reinforce color recognition in children.

This interactive game promotes learning and encourages physical activity and teamwork.


  • Step 1: Create a list of yellow items commonly found around the house or classroom, such as a banana, a rubber duck, or a pencil.
  • Step 2: Gather and strategically place the items around the designated play area.
  • Step 3: Provide each child with a basket or bag to collect their findings.

Conducting the Hunt

  • Step 1: Explain the rules: children must search for and collect the yellow items on the list.
  • Step 2: Encourage teamwork by allowing children to work in pairs or small groups.
  • Step 3: Guide them by providing clues or hints if needed, but let them explore and discover independently.
  • Step 4: Celebrate each discovery and encourage them to share their findings with others.

After the hunt, discuss the items they found, reinforcing their names and colors. You can also incorporate educational themes such as shapes, counting, or categorizing the items based on their properties.

For added excitement, consider adapting the scavenger hunt to include different colors or themes or turn it into a relay race where teams take turns finding and collecting items.

5. Yo-Yo Tricks and Games

Yo-Yo Tricks and Games

Yo-yo play is a fantastic way for children to develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills while having a blast!

This classic toy provides hours of entertainment and opportunities for learning and mastering new tricks.

Basic Techniques

  • Step 1: Demonstrate how to properly hold the yo-yo and grip the string.
  • Step 2: Teach the “Sleeper” trick, where the yo-yo spins at the end of the string.
  • Step 3: Move to the “Forward Pass,” where the yo-yo rolls down and back up the string.

Once the basics are mastered, guide your child through more complex tricks such as:

  • Step 1: The “Walk the Dog,” where the yo-yo appears to move along the ground.
  • Step 2: The “Around the World” is where the yo-yo circles around the hand.
  • Step 3: The “Rock the Baby,” is a rocking motion that simulates cradling a baby.

Interactive Games: To add an extra layer of fun, introduce a game of yo-yo hide-and-seek. One player hides the yo-yo while the other player searches for it.

Take turns hiding and seeking, increasing difficulty by setting time limits or expanding the search area.

Maintenance Tips

  • Proper care for yo-yos is essential for optimal performance and longevity.
  • Teach your child to adjust the string tension for smoother tricks and encourage regular cleaning and storage to prevent tangling or damage.
  • With patience and practice, yo-yo play can become a beloved tradition that entertains and fosters skill development and quality bonding time.

6. Y Movement Activities

Y Movement Activities

Integrating movement with learning is a powerful approach that promotes physical health, enhances coordination, and aids in retaining information.

By engaging the whole body, children can explore the letter Y in a fun and interactive manner.

One engaging activity is encouraging children to form the letter Y with their bodies.

  • Step 1: Guide them to stretch their arms above their heads, creating a Y shape, and hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Step 2: This simple exercise helps reinforce the letter’s shape while improving balance and body awareness.
  • Step 3: Introduce yard games incorporating the letter Y for outdoor fun. In a game like “Y-tag,” designate a safe zone where players must form a Y shape with their bodies to avoid being tagged.
  • Step 4: This gets them moving and reinforces the letter’s shape and sound.

Yoga poses are another excellent way to combine movement and letter recognition.

The “Y Tree Pose” involves standing on one leg while the other foot rests against the inner thigh, with arms stretched overhead, forming a Y shape.

The “Mountain Pose with Y Arms” requires standing tall with feet shoulder-width apart and arms raised overhead in a Y shape. Provide clear instructions and supervision to ensure children perform these poses safely and correctly.

7. Yarn Weaving

Yarn Weaving

Weaving with yarn is a delightful activity that enhances fine motor skills, concentration, and the ability to follow sequences.

This hands-on experience provides a tactile way for children to explore textures and create unique masterpieces.

To set up a basic weaving loom, you’ll need a piece of cardboard or sturdy paper, scissors, and yarn in various colors.

  • Step 1: Cut slits along the top and bottom edges of the cardboard, spacing them about an inch apart.
  • Step 2: Then, thread a piece of yarn through the slits, weaving it up and down to create the loom’s base.
  • Step 3: Give your child additional yarn pieces in different colors and lengths once the loom is ready.
  • Step 4: Guide them through weaving the yarn over and under the base threads, creating a tapestry or mat.

Please encourage them to experiment with patterns and color combinations, fostering creativity and self-expression.

As they weave, children will develop hand-eye coordination, concentration, and the ability to follow sequences, all while creating a tangible piece of art they can be proud of.

8. Yummy Y Foods

Yummy Y Foods

Involving children in cooking activities is a wonderful way to stimulate their senses, foster math skills, and teach them the importance of following instructions.

From measuring ingredients to exploring different textures and flavors, cooking can be an engaging and educational experience.

One delightful option is to explore recipes that start with the letter Y, such as:

  • Yogurt Pops: For a refreshing and healthy treat, mix plain yogurt with fresh fruit or honey, pour into popsicle molds, and freeze.
  • Yellow Cake: Bake a classic yellow cake from scratch, allowing children to assist with measuring ingredients and mixing the batter.
  • Baked Yams: Cut yams into wedges, drizzle with olive oil and a sprinkle of brown sugar, and bake until tender and caramelized.

Provide a detailed ingredient list, step-by-step instructions, and any age-appropriate modifications for each recipe. Encourage children to participate actively in the cooking process, from measuring and mixing to decorating or plating the final dish.

Cooking together creates cherished memories and imparts valuable skills and an appreciation for different flavors and textures.

9. Yacht and Yak Crafts

Yacht and Yak Crafts

Crafting is a delightful way for children to explore their creativity, learn about textures and colors, and experience the joy of creating something tangible with their hands.

  • Two engaging crafts that reinforce the letter Y are making a yacht and creating a yak.
  • For the yacht craft, you’ll need construction paper, scissors, glue, and additional embellishments, such as pom-poms or sequins.
  • Guide your child in tracing their hand on paper to create the yacht’s sail. Then, cut out a simple hull shape and glue the sail to the top.
  • Please encourage them to decorate their yacht with colors, patterns, or embellishments, fostering creativity and self-expression.
  • To make a yak, you’ll need paper, glue, and art supplies such as markers, crayons, or paint.
  • Please have your child trace both hands on paper, then cut them out.

These handprints will form the yak’s body and head. Guide them in assembling the yak by gluing the handprints together and adding details like horns, eyes, and a tail using the art supplies.

For both crafts, provide step-by-step instructions and encourage children to personalize their creations.

This reinforces the letter Y and allows them to explore different materials and textures while developing fine motor skills and a sense of accomplishment.

10. Yolk and Yellow Crafts

Yolk and Yellow Crafts

Exploring the creative world of yolk and yellow crafts is a delightful way to teach children about color recognition and artistic expression.

These hands-on activities stimulate their senses and foster fine motor skills and an appreciation for different textures and materials.

Creating paint from egg yolks is a simple and fun activity that introduces children to the vibrant world of yellow.


  1. Egg yolks
  2. Food coloring (yellow or assorted colors)
  3. A few drops of water (if needed)

Mixing Instructions

  • Step 1: Separate the yolks from the whites and place them in small containers or cups.
  • Step 2: Add a few drops of food coloring to each yolk, adjusting the amount until you achieve the desired shade of yellow.
  • Step 3: If the mixture is too thick, add a few drops of water and mix until you reach a smooth, paint-like consistency.

Please provide your child brushes, paper, or canvas, and let their creativity flow as they paint with homemade yolk paint.

Please encourage them to experiment with different brushstrokes, mix colors, and create unique designs or patterns.

11. Yellow Collage Projects


Another engaging activity is creating yellow collages. You’ll need:

  1. Yellow magazines or printed materials
  2. Construction paper or cardboard
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue or glue stick
  5. Markers or crayons (optional)


  • Step 1: Guide your child in carefully cutting out yellow images, patterns, or shapes from the magazines.
  • Step 2: Arrange the cut-outs on paper or cardboard creatively and visually appealingly.
  • Step 3: Glue the pieces down, encouraging them to explore shades and textures within the yellow spectrum.
  • Step 4: If desired, they can use markers or crayons to add details or embellishments to their collage.

These yolk and yellow crafts help develop fine motor skills and allow children to explore color theory and artistic expression. Display their creations proudly to celebrate their achievements and foster a sense of accomplishment.

12. Yes/No Y Games

Yes/No Y Games

Yes/No Y games are a delightful way to enhance children’s communication skills and decision-making abilities. These interactive games encourage critical thinking and promote verbal expression and active listening.

One simple Yes/No guessing game involves one person thinking of an object and the others asking yes or no questions to try and guess what it is. Here’s how it works:


  1. One person secretly selects an object in their mind.
  2. The other players take turns asking yes or no questions to narrow down the possibilities.
  3. Set a limit on the number of questions allowed to make the game more challenging.


  1. The person who knows the object can only answer with “yes” or “no” – no additional hints or explanations.
  2. Players must ask questions strategically to eliminate incorrect guesses and eventually identify the object.

This game encourages children to develop questioning techniques, practice logical thinking, and enhance their deductive reasoning skills.

It also promotes active listening and attention, as they must remember previous answers to formulate new questions.

To incorporate these games into daily learning, you can ask questions that stimulate thinking and conversation, such as:

  • “Is it something you can eat?”
  • “Does it live in the water?”
  • “Is it bigger than a car?”

Vary the game by changing the object category (animals, foods, toys, etc.) or by allowing the child who guesses correctly to be the next one to think of an object.

Yes/No Y games provide entertainment and contribute to cognitive development, including problem-solving, verbal communication, and decision-making abilities.

Encourage children to participate regularly and witness their critical thinking skills blossom.

Wrapping Up

In summary, these 11 fun activities, starting with Y, provide an excellent opportunity to create cherished yearly traditions with your little ones.

From crafting with yarn and yellow play dough to exploring yummy snacks and interactive games, each activity fosters learning, creativity, and precious bonding moments.

As you embark on these yearly traditions, remember to involve your children, embrace their curiosity, and let their imagination soar.

So, what’s next? Gather the materials and get started on these delightful Y activities today!

Encourage your kids to share their favorite experiences and let their input shape future traditions.

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