Bring Simplicity into Your Home for Peace of Mind and Healthy Living

Bring Simplicity into Your Home for Peace of Mind and Healthy Living

You spend a great deal of your time at home. While not all people spend all day there, your home is the place that you come back to, where you rest, cook, and sleep. It is important that your environment reflects the kind of atmosphere you want to live in.

For the most part, what people want from their homes is a place to relax in. While it can be fun to have the occasional party, people mostly want to kick back after a hard day’s work and feel the tranquility of their own personal space.

For these reasons, you should think about making small home renovations that will give you a better sense of calm during your home hours.

Start with the exterior

The first thing you should think about is your home’s exterior. Is it something that you are happy to come home to? Or do you think its appearance could be better? People tend to neglect the outsides of their homes – particularly if they live in Canada – as they often rush through the cold to get to the inside.

This is a mistake. The outside of your home should be a nice, pleasant color that makes you happy to come back to. And your doors and windows are important, as well. You may be living with old, drab windows that came with the house when you bought it.

But you can easily find a windows company that can give you more modern, durable, and attractive options. And the same goes for your doors – you don’t want to open something eight times a day that you don’t like the look of.

Choose colors that soothe

There is a reason that kindergartens, hospitals, and other types of institutions are painted in particular colors. Shops, brands, and professional websites choose their color schemes very carefully because they know that certain colors have particular psychological effects on people.

People similarly choose their clothes, accessories, and other items based upon colors that they like. You might choose a particular outfit on a particular day because of your mood, an event you’re going to, or other reasons. The same should go for your home. If you are considering repainting one or more rooms in your house, think about colors that will bring you tranquility. For example:

  • Earth tones. Shades of beige, green, and tan will give you the feeling of being part of nature even without leaving your house.
  • Blue. Numerous psychological studies have concluded that blue is the most calming color for the mind. If you have a room that you reserve for yoga or other leisure activities, you should consider painting it blue.
  • Pink. If you have a room where you do crafts or activities with the kids, pink could be a fun color to paint the walls. Psychologists say that pink has the effect of making people feel swaddled and comforted.

Incorporate earth materials

Beyond the colors that you choose, you should consider incorporating earth materials into your decor. These also give you a sense of tranquility that you normally wouldn’t get from being indoors. Fortunately, we are living in an age that values nature. You can find all manner of home items that are either made from or mimic nature, including:

  • Furniture made of bamboo
  • Upscaled furniture made of recyclable materials
  • More plants to give your home oxygen and a greater sense of nature
  • Flooring and walls made from wood instead of artificial materials

You can also think about upgrading parts of your home that could be more sustainable. If you don’t have energy-efficient windows, you might look for a recommended energy efficient windows contractor near me. Similarly, switching to smart appliances and energy-efficient lighting will also be to your benefit (not to mention that of your energy bills!).

Put your items in groups

Many people simply arrange their things either randomly or according to available space. While fitting items appropriately is certainly important, think about how you might group items together to highlight your collections. Consider the following:

  • Grouping together wine bottles that you’ve collected from different countries on a shelf. Maybe put flowers in them.
  • Taking items of nature (seashells, stones, etc) and displaying them in one place to create a nice spectrum
  • Put antique dishware or special pots and pans on display. Items that are dear or special shouldn’t be stuffed in a drawer; they should be made public for family and guests to admire.

Basically, if you have categories of items that you value that you think could use more attention, consider grouping them together and displaying them prominently. It will give you a sense of satisfaction to sit back and look at your collections.

Make adjustments as time goes on

As time goes on, you might decide to alter your decor. This is perfectly natural as our lives evolve over time. Keep these principles in mind, though, so that you can keep a sense of calm inside your home. You have enough excitement going on outside, for sure.

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