45 Animals That Start With U: With Pictures & Facts

When it comes to the diverse world of animals, there are countless fascinating creatures to discover.

From the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, each species has its own unique characteristics and adaptations that allow them to survive and thrive in their respective environments.

The animal kingdom is a vast and complex web of life, with each creature playing a vital role in the delicate balance of nature.

In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore 45 remarkable animals that start with the letter “U.”

These creatures showcase the incredible variety of life on Earth and highlight the many things that start with “U” in the animal kingdom.

From the dense rainforests of South America to the arid deserts of Africa, we will encounter a wide range of animals, each with its own captivating story to tell.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the wonders of the animal world, starting with the letter “U.”

List of Remarkable Animals Beginning with the Letter ‘U’

1. Uakari


The Uakari is a small monkey native to the Amazon rainforest. These primates are known for their striking bald heads and bright red faces, which result from their unique skin pigmentation. 

  • Scientific Name: Cacajao calvus
  • Place of Origin: Amazon rainforest
  • Regions where found: Brazil, Peru, Colombia

Fun Fact: Uakaris are often called “English monkeys” because they resemble English gentlemen with bald heads and red faces.

2. Uguisu


The Uguisu, the Japanese Bush Warbler, is a small songbird in East Asia. These birds are renowned for their beautiful singing voices and are often featured in Japanese poetry and literature.

  • Scientific Name: Horornis diphones
  • Place of Origin: East Asia
  • Regions where found: Japan, Korea, China

Fun Fact: In Japan, the Uguisu’s song is considered a sign of spring and is often used as a sound effect in films and television shows.

3. Uinta Ground Squirrel


The Uinta Ground Squirrel is a small rodent in the western United States. It is known for its ability to hibernate for up to eight months of the year, allowing it to survive the harsh winter months.

  • Scientific Name: Spermophilus armatus
  • Place of Origin: Western United States
  • Regions where found: Utah, Wyoming, Idaho

Fun Fact: Uinta Ground Squirrels are important prey for many predators, including coyotes, badgers, and birds of prey.

4. Umbrellabird


The Umbrellabird is a large, black bird found in the rainforests of Central and South America. These birds are named for the unusual umbrella-like crest of feathers on their heads, which they can raise and lower at will.

  • Scientific Name: Cephalopterus penduliger
  • Place of Origin: Central and South America
  • Regions where found: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador

Fun Fact: Male Umbrellabirds use a distinctive, inflatable throat sac to make loud, booming calls during courtship displays.

5. Unau


The Unau, also known as the Linnaeus’s Two-toed Sloth, is a slow-moving mammal found in the rainforests of South America. These animals are known for their slow metabolism and ability to sleep up to 20 hours a day.

  • Scientific Name: Choloepus didactylus
  • Place of Origin: South America
  • Regions where found: Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil

Fun Fact: Unaus have a symbiotic relationship with algae that grows in their fur, which helps to camouflage them from predators.*

6. Upupa


The Upupa, also known as the Hoopoe, is a colorful bird in Europe, Asia, and Africa. These birds are known for their distinctive crown of feathers and long, curved beaks, which they use to probe for insects in the ground.

  • Scientific Name: Upupa epops
  • Place of Origin: Europe, Asia, Africa
  • Regions where found: Widespread across the Old World

Fun Fact: In ancient Egypt, the Upupa was considered a sacred bird and was often depicted in art and hieroglyphs.

7. Urial


The Urial is a wild sheep found in Central and South Asia mountains. These animals are known for their impressive horns, which can grow up to 39 inches (100 cm) in length.

  • Scientific Name: Ovis vignei
  • Place of Origin: Central and South Asia
  • Regions where found: Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan

Fun Fact: Urials are skilled climbers who can easily navigate steep, rocky terrain for food and shelter.

8. Uromastyx


The Uromastyx, also known as the Spiny-tailed Lizard, is a large lizard found in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. It is known for its spiny tails, which it uses as a defense mechanism against predators.

  • Scientific Name: Uromastyx aegyptia
  • Place of Origin: North Africa, Middle East
  • Regions where found: Sahara Desert, Arabian Peninsula

Fun Fact: Uromastyx lizards are popular pets due to their docile nature and unique appearance, but they require specialized care to thrive in captivity.

9. Urubu


The Urubu, also known as the Black Vulture, is a large bird of prey in the Americas. These birds are known for their scavenging habits and important role in the ecosystem as a natural garbage disposal.

  • Scientific Name: Coragyps atratus
  • Place of Origin:  North and South America
  • Regions where found: Widespread throughout the Americas

Fun Fact: Urubus have a highly developed sense of smell, which they use to locate carrion from great distances.

10. Urutau


The Urutau, also known as the Common Potoo, is a nocturnal bird in Central and South America. It is known for its cryptic coloration and ability to blend in with its surroundings, making it difficult to spot during the day.

  • Scientific Name: Nyctibius griseus
  • Place of Origin: Central and South America
  • Regions where found: Mexico, Central America, South America

Fun Fact: Urutaus have a distinctive, haunting call often described as sounding like a “ghost bird.”

11. Ussuri Brown Bear


The Ussuri Brown Bear is a subspecies of the brown bear found in the Ussuri River region of eastern Russia and northeastern China. These bears are known for their large size and their impressive strength.

  • Scientific Name: Ursus arctos lasiotus
  • Place of Origin: Eastern Russia, Northeastern China
  • Regions where found: Ussuri River region

Fun Fact: Ussuri Brown Bears are excellent swimmers and have been known to swim across the Sea of Japan to reach the islands of Japan.

12. Ural Owl


The Ural Owl is a medium-sized owl found in the forests of Europe and Asia. It is known for its distinctive facial disks and piercing yellow eyes, which give it a striking appearance.

  • Scientific Name: Strix uralensis
  • Place of Origin: Europe, Asia
  • Regions where found: Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Russia, Japan

Fun Fact: Ural Owls are monogamous and mate for life, with pairs often remaining together for many years.

13. Ulysses Butterfly


The Ulysses Butterfly is a large, vibrant blue butterfly in northeastern Australia. These butterflies are known for their striking coloration and powerful flight, allowing them to cover great distances in search of food and mates.

  • Scientific Name: Papilio ulysses
  • Place of Origin: Northeastern Australia
  • Regions where found: Queensland, New South Wales

Fun Fact: The Ulysses Butterfly is named after the Greek hero Odysseus, also known as Ulysses in Roman mythology.

14. Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird


The Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird is a small bird found in the Uluguru Mountains of Tanzania. It is known for its iridescent violet back and yellow underparts.

  • Scientific Name: Anthreptes neglects
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Uluguru Mountains

Fun Fact: Male Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbirds are known for their elaborate courtship displays, which involve hovering in front of females and singing a complex series of notes.

15. Uinta Chipmunk


The Uinta Chipmunk is a small rodent found in the western United States. It is known for its distinctive stripes and its ability to store large amounts of food in its cheek pouches.

  • Scientific Name: Neotamias umbrinus
  • Place of Origin: Western United States
  • Regions where found: Utah, Colorado, Wyoming

Fun Fact: Uinta Chipmunks are important seed dispersers in their ecosystem, helping to spread the seeds of various plants throughout their range.

16. Ussuri Tube-nosed Bat


The Ussuri Tube-nosed Bat is a small bat found in eastern Asia. It is known for its distinctive tubular nostrils, which it uses to emit high-frequency calls for echolocation.

  • Scientific Name: Murina ussuriensis
  • Place of Origin: Eastern Asia
  • Regions where found: Russia, China, Japan, Korea

Fun Fact: Ussuri Tube-nosed Bats can hover in mid-air, allowing them to locate and capture their insect prey precisely.

17. Ural Field Mouse


The ural field mouse is a small rodent found in Europe and Asia. It is known for its adaptability and ability to thrive in a variety of habitats, from grasslands to forests.

  • Scientific Name: Apodemus uralensis
  • Place of Origin: Europe, Asia
  • Regions where found: Eastern Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan, China

Fun Fact: Ural Field Mice are important prey for many predators, including owls, foxes, and weasels.

18. Upland Buzzard


The Upland Buzzard is a large bird of prey found in South America. These buzzards are known for their distinctive coloration, with dark brown upperparts and pale underparts.

  • Scientific Name: Buteo hemilasius
  • Place of Origin: South America
  • Regions where found: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru

Fun Fact: Upland Buzzards are skilled hunters and have been observed using rocks to break open the eggs of ground-nesting birds.

19. Urva


The Urva, also known as the Crab-eating Mongoose, is a small mammal in South and Southeast Asia. These mongooses are known for their ability to hunt and eat crabs and other small animals.

  • Scientific Name: Herpestes urva
  • Place of Origin: South and Southeast Asia
  • Regions where found: India, China, Southeast Asia

Fun Fact: Urvas are skilled climbers and are often found in trees, where they hunt for birds and small mammals.

20. Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly


The Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly is a rare butterfly found in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. It is known for its distinctive orange and black coloration and its reliance on a single plant species, the Snow Willow, for its survival.

  • Scientific Name: Boloria acrocnema
  • Place of Origin: Colorado, United States
  • Regions where found: San Juan Mountains

Fun Fact: The Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly is considered one of the rarest butterflies in North America, with a total population estimated at less than 1,000 individuals.*

21. Udzungwa Red Colobus


The Udzungwa Red Colobus is a species of monkey found in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. These monkeys are known for their distinctive red fur and important role in seed dispersal in their forest habitat.

  • Scientific Name: Procolobus gordonorum
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Udzungwa Mountains

Fun Fact: The Udzungwa Red Colobus is considered one of Africa’s rarest primates, with a population estimated at less than 1,000 individuals.

22. Ukinga Hornless Chameleon


The Ukinga Hornless Chameleon is a small lizard found in the Ukinga Mountains of Tanzania. It is known for its ability to change color to blend in with its surroundings and its lack of horns, which are common in many other chameleon species.

  • Scientific Name: Kinyongia ukingaensis
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Ukinga Mountains

Fun Fact: The Ukinga Hornless Chameleon is one of the few chameleon species that gives birth to live young rather than laying eggs.

23. Uluguru Bush-shrike


The Uluguru bush shrike is a small bird found in the Uluguru Mountains of Tanzania. It is known for its distinctive black-and-white coloration and melodic songs.

  • Scientific Name: Malaconotus alius
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Uluguru Mountains

Fun Fact: The Uluguru Bush-shrike is considered one of the rarest birds in Africa, with a total population estimated at less than 1,000 individuals.

24. Ursini’s Vesper Rat


The Ursini’s Vesper Rat is a small rodent found in South Africa. These rats are known for their nocturnal habits and their ability to survive in arid environments.

  • Scientific Name: Otomys unisulcatus
  • Place of Origin: South Africa
  • Regions where found: Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Fun Fact: Ursini’s Vesper Rats are important prey for many predators, including owls, snakes, and small mammals.

25. Usambara Eagle-owl


The Usambara Eagle-owl is a large owl in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. It is known for its distinctive “ear” tufts and piercing orange eyes.

  • Scientific Name: Bubo vosseleri
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Usambara Mountains

Fun Fact: The Usambara Eagle-owl is considered one of the rarest owls in Africa, with a total population estimated at less than 1,000 individuals.

26. Uinta Mountain Snail


The Uinta Mountain Snail is a small land snail found in the Uinta Mountains of Utah. These snails are known for their slow movement and their ability to survive in cold, high-altitude environments.

  • Scientific Name: Oreohelix eurekensis uinta
  • Place of Origin: Utah, United States
  • Regions where found: Uinta Mountains

Fun Fact: The Uinta Mountain Snail is considered a subspecies of the Eureka Mountainsnail, which is found only in the Great Basin region of the United States.

27. Uracoan Rattlesnake


The Uracoan Rattlesnake is a venomous snake found in Venezuela and Trinidad. It is known for its distinctive diamond-shaped pattern and its potent venom.

  • Scientific Name: Crotalus vegrandis
  • Place of Origin: Venezuela, Trinidad
  • Regions where found: Coastal regions of Venezuela and Trinidad

Fun Fact: The Uracoan Rattlesnake is one of the smallest rattlesnake species in the world, with adults typically measuring less than 2 feet (60 cm) in length.

28. Urbina’s Lancehead


The Urbina’s Lancehead is a venomous snake found in Peru and Ecuador. These snakes are known for their distinctive lancehead-shaped head and their potent venom.

  • Scientific Name: Bothrops andianus
  • Place of Origin: Peru, Ecuador
  • Regions where found: Andes Mountains

Fun Fact: The Urbina’s Lancehead is named after Peruvian herpetologist Rodolfo Urbina, who first described the species in 1989.

29. Uroplatus Leaf-tailed Gecko


The Uroplatus Leaf-tailed Gecko is a small gecko found in Madagascar. These geckos are known for their incredible camouflage, which allows them to blend in with the leaves and bark of trees.

  • Scientific Name: Uroplatus phantasticus
  • Place of Origin: Madagascar
  • Regions where found: Eastern rainforests of Madagascar

Fun Fact: Uroplatus Leaf-tailed Geckos have the ability to shed their tails as a defense mechanism, leaving predators with nothing but a wriggling tail while the gecko escapes.

30. Uda Gecko


The Uda Gecko is a small gecko found in Sri Lanka. These geckos are known for their distinctive coloration, with a pale gray body and dark bands on their tail.

  • Scientific Name: Cnemaspis uda
  • Place of Origin: Sri Lanka
  • Regions where found: Central highlands of Sri Lanka

Fun Fact: Uda Geckos are important predators of insects in their ecosystem, helping to keep populations of insects in check.

31. Usambara Garter Snake


The Usambara Garter Snake is a small snake found in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. These snakes are known for their distinctive striped pattern and their ability to climb trees in search of prey.

  • Scientific Name: Elapsoidea nigra
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Usambara Mountains

Fun Fact: The Usambara Garter Snake is one of the few snake species in Africa that is known to be venomous, although its venom is not considered dangerous to humans.

32. Ussuri Tube-nosed Fruit Bat


The Ussuri Tube-nosed Fruit Bat is a small bat found in eastern Asia. It is known for its distinctive tubular nostrils and its important role in seed dispersal in its forest habitat.

  • Scientific Name: Nyctimene robinsoni
  • Place of Origin: Eastern Asia
  • Regions where found: China, Taiwan, Japan

Fun Fact: Ussuri Tube-nosed Fruit Bats are important pollinators of many tropical fruits, including durian and mangoes.

33. Uzungwa Scarp Tree Frog


The Uzungwa Scarp Tree Frog is a small frog found in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. These frogs are known for their distinctive coloration, with a bright green back and yellow spots on their sides.

  • Scientific Name: Leptopelis udzungwensis
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Udzungwa Mountains

Fun Fact: The Uzungwa Scarp Tree Frog is considered one of the rarest frogs in Africa, with a total population estimated at less than 1,000 individuals.

34. Uhler’s Sundragon


The Uhler’s Sundragon is a species of dragonfly found in North America. These dragonflies are known for their distinctive coloration, with a bright green thorax and clear wings with black bands.

  • Scientific Name: Helocordulia uhleri
  • Place of Origin: North America
  • Regions where found: Eastern United States, southeastern Canada

Fun Fact: Uhler’s Sundragons are important predators of mosquitoes and other small insects, helping to keep populations of these pests in check.*

35. Uracoan Foam Frog


The Uracoan Foam Frog is a small frog found in Venezuela. These frogs are known for their unique breeding behavior, in which males create a floating foam nest on the surface of water to protect their eggs.

  • Scientific Name: Pleurodema brachyops
  • Place of Origin: Venezuela
  • Regions where found: Coastal regions of Venezuela

Fun Fact: The Uracoan Foam Frog is one of the few frog species in the world that is known to lay its eggs in saltwater.

36. Ukrainian Brook Lamprey


The Ukrainian Brook Lamprey is a small, eel-like fish found in the rivers of Ukraine and neighboring countries. These lampreys are known for their distinctive sucker-like mouth, which they use to attach to other fish and feed on their blood.

  • Scientific Name: Eudontomyzon mariae
  • Place of Origin: Ukraine
  • Regions where found: Rivers of Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia

Fun Fact: The Ukrainian Brook Lamprey is one of the few lamprey species in the world that does not migrate to the ocean to breed, instead spending its entire life cycle in freshwater rivers.

37. Urucum Garter Snake


The Urucum Garter Snake is a small snake found in Brazil. These snakes are known for their distinctive coloration, with a reddish-brown body and black stripes running down their back.

  • Scientific Name: Thamnophis urucuma
  • Place of Origin: Brazil
  • Regions where found: Central-western Brazil

Fun Fact: The Urucum Garter Snake is named after the Urucum mountain range in Brazil, where it was first discovered.

38. Uele River Frog


The Uele River Frog is a small frog found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These frogs are known for their distinctive coloration, with a bright green body and black spots on their back.

  • Scientific Name: Phrynobatrachus uellensis
  • Place of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Regions where found: Uele River basin

Fun Fact: The Uele River Frog is one of the few frog species in Africa that is known to lay its eggs on land rather than in water.

39. Ulindi River Trout


The Ulindi River Trout is a species of fish found in the Ulindi River of Tanzania. These trout are known for their distinctive coloration, with a silvery body and black spots on their sides.

  • Scientific Name: Salmo ulindiae
  • Place of Origin: Tanzania
  • Regions where found: Ulindi River

Fun Fact:The Ulindi River Trout is one of the few trout species in the world that is found exclusively in a tropical environment.

40. Uda Grass Lizard


The Uda Grass Lizard is a small lizard found in Sri Lanka. It is known for its distinctive coloration, with a brown body and darker bands running down its back.

  • Scientific Name: Calotes udagamae
  • Place of Origin: Sri Lanka
  • Regions where found: Central highlands of Sri Lanka

Fun Fact: Uda Grass Lizards are important predators of insects in their ecosystem, helping to keep populations of insects in check.

41. Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana


The Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana is a large lizard found on the island of Utila, Honduras. These iguanas are known for their distinctive spiny tail and their ability to swim between the small islands off the coast of Utila.

  • Scientific Name: Ctenosaura bakeri
  • Place of Origin: Honduras
  • Regions where found: Utila Island

Fun Fact: The Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana is considered one of the rarest lizards in the world, with a total population estimated at less than 5,000 individuals.

42. Uatumã Peacock Spider


The Uatumã Peacock Spider is a small spider found in Brazil. It is known for its distinctive coloration, with a bright blue and orange pattern on its abdomen.

  • Scientific Name: Maratus omatjae
  • Place of Origin: Brazil
  • Regions where found: Uatumã River basin

Fun Fact: Male Uatumã Peacock Spiders perform an elaborate courtship dance to attract females, involving lifting and waving their colorful abdomens.

43. Ursini’s Shrew


The Ursini’s Shrew is a small mammal found in South Africa. These shrews are known for their distinctive long snout and their ability to hunt insects and other small invertebrates.

  • Scientific Name: Myosorex ursinus
  • Place of Origin: South Africa
  • Regions where found: Western Cape, Eastern Cape

Fun Fact: Ursini’s Shrews are one of the few mammal species that are known to use echolocation to navigate and locate prey in the dark.

44. Upemba Lechwe


The Upemba Lechwe is a species of antelope found in the Upemba National Park of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These antelopes are known for their distinctive reddish-brown coats and their ability to navigate the park’s swampy wetlands.

  • Scientific Name: Kobus anselli
  • Place of Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Regions where found: Upemba National Park

Fun Fact: The Upemba Lechwe is one of the few antelope species that is known to be an excellent swimmer, often crossing deep rivers and lakes to reach new feeding grounds.

45. Udehe Grass Snake


The Udehe Grass Snake is a small snake found in the Russian Far East. It is known for its distinctive green and black coloration and its ability to hunt small lizards and frogs in the region’s grasslands.

  • Scientific Name: Rhabdophis tigrinus
  • Place of Origin: Russian Far East
  • Regions where found: Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsk Krai

Fun Fact: Udehe Grass Snakes are one of the few snakes known to be venomous, but their venom is not considered dangerous to humans.

That completes the list of 45 remarkable animals that start with the letter “U.”

From the tiny Ursini’s Shrew to the majestic Upemba Lechwe, these animals showcase the incredible diversity of life on Earth and the many fascinating creatures that share our planet.

By learning about these animals and the unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in their respective environments, we can better appreciate the natural world and the importance of preserving it for future generations.

Final Words

From the tiny Uguisu to the massive Ussuri Brown Bear, the world of animals that start with “U” is full of fascinating and unique creatures.

These 45 animals showcase the incredible diversity of life on Earth and the many things that start with “U” in the animal kingdom.

By learning more about these remarkable species, we can better appreciate the natural world and the importance of protecting it for future generations.

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