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Why Buy Temporary Fencing For Your Gardens?

Has your neighbor’s canine made your yard his favorite hangout joint, and you fear he might damage your young plants or get into a deadly confrontation with your resident pets?

If yes, then it might be prudent to install a fence around your compound.

But if you live on rented premises or in a shared apartment, it may be unreasonable to set up a permanent fence around the property for economic and convenience reasons. Instead, what you need is temporary fencing.

Investing in temporary fencing can protect your garden and yard from damage caused by unwanted critters, besides other hidden benefits.

Here’s everything you need to know about temporary fences and why your garden needs them.

What is A Temporary Fence?

A temporary fence is precisely what the term implies – a fence designed to be used on an interim basis.

Most temporary fences come in free-standing panels, which are typically made from a chain link, weld mesh, or both.

The panels are held together with couples and supported by counterweighted feet.

Unlike regular fences that require multiple standalone components to set up, temporary fences are available with several accessories.

When you buy temporary fence, you receive the panels plus several couples. Most packages also include gates, handrails, and feet.

Benefits of Temporary Fencing

1. Protection from Unwanted Guests

Whether your garden is lush and flowery or wild and withered, you can always expect it to draw a significant number of unwanted visitors.

There are plenty of garden pests and insects that thrive in unprotected yards.

And while many are small enough to climb or slip through temporary fencing, others may be deterred by the structure.

Installing a temporary fence around your garden protects the area from unwanted guests.

The structure is particularly effective against larger pests like squirrels, as well as house pets like cats and dogs.

By keeping these animals at bay, your plants can grow without getting damaged.

2. Higher Flexibility

As mentioned, temporary fences are ideal for interim applications, such as living in a rental or shared apartment.

By installing temporary fencing around your yard, you protect your garden only for the duration that you reside in the property.

When vacating the property, you can move with your temporary fencing to a new location.

This saves you the cost of demolishing the structure (as is often the case with permanent fencing) or investing in a new fence.

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3. Enhanced Portability

Changing homes frequently attracts high relocation costs. If each new property requires you to fence the garden, that can have a significant impact on your already strained moving budget.

Fortunately, you can minimize the expenses by buying a temporary fence.

Temporary fencing is designed with portability in mind. The structure features interlocking panels, which you can assemble and disassemble with remarkable ease.

4. Easy and Affordable To Install

Temporary fencing doesn’t require high-end equipment or technical know-how to set up.

In most cases, you can ace the installation process simply by following the manufacturer’s guidelines or relying on handy YouTube tutorials.

Besides, temporary fencing is far more affordable than traditional permanent fences.

Their relative ease of set-up implies that professionals are unlikely to charge hefty installation fees, in contrast to permanent fencing.

It also means you can secure your property quickly from intruders rather than wait for weeks, by which time critters could have inflicted irreparable damage on your garden.

If you’re looking for a fence that you can quickly erect around your wellness garden without breaking the bank, what you need is temporary fencing.

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5. Incredibly Versatile

A downtown warehouse will soon be receiving sensitive supplies and there’s a need to restrict access to the facility in the meantime.

Besides ramping up security surveillance around the premises, a physical barrier may be necessary.

That’s another scenario where temporary fencing can come in handy.

In home and gardening, temporary fencing is critical in creating designated sections for certain plants, such as seedlings or exotic species.

You could also use the structures to enclose and accentuate a decorative feature in your garden.

Moreover, temporary fences may help with crowd control on your property.

You could place them at the entrances to your parking lot or a backyard concert to direct traffic in the desired direction, preferably away from your precious garden, during home parties.

6. A Variety of Options to Pick From

Temporary fencing comes in multiple options. Some are designed to protect your garden for years, whereas others stand out for their aesthetic appeal.

Traditional mesh fences are considerably durable and easy to install.

Mesh fencing is also reasonably lightweight and portable, despite having some of its components made from galvanized steel.

To keep smaller animals in your garden, consider fences made from smaller mesh panels.

Other popular temporary fencing materials include bamboo and netting.

Bamboo is eco-friendly and more challenging than most natural fabrics, while netting is preferred for its ease of draping.

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Final Word

A permanent fence would provide the ultimate privacy and secure your garden from intruders.

But if it’s impractical to install permanent fencing around your property, perhaps because it’s a rental unit or due to local housing code restrictions, then a temporary fence would be your best bet.

After investing in proper temporary fencing, remember to seek professional installation services.

While these fences are remarkably easier to set up than their permanent counterparts, enlisting technical help can minimize costly damages or injuries during installation.

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