A couple of weeks ago decided it was time to pretty up my laundry. I have been spending a lot more time in there as I try to keep on top of the folding. I have always been fantastical at actually washing our clothes – but folding? Not one of my strengths. So now I stay in there and fold everything instead of sticking it a basket to fold ‘later’ and all that extra time in there meant I was staring at everything for longer.
I was inspired by Jade’s laundry post from last year so before Christmas I bought some jars {from Ikea}. I felt they needed a little bit of labelling after months of them being plain so I made some up. These are printed onto sticker / adhesive paper and then adhered to the jars / tins.  
I couldn’t stop at just these two – I had to do the whole laundry (okay + maybe the linen cupboard) :o} 
This is my laundry shelving. Positioned right above my washing machine and dryer so it is all within very easy reach. 
 Here I have my cleaning caddy filled with most of the things I need for cleaning. I just grab it and go. 
These tins are just from Target, bought towards the end of last year. They have words printed on them, I’ve just faced them towards the wall instead so I can use these labels. 
 In this small basket I have our stain remover spray and stick for treating stubborn stains. This one is printed onto cardstock and laminated and tied on with twine. 
And then in here I have my felt dryer balls.
Soooo, I have labels for you since there was so much interest after showing a photo of them on my facebook page! 
Here they are, the set comes with wash, soak, treat, stains {incase you don’t like ‘treat’}, dry, clean, pegs, iron and a blank one for you to fill in with whatever you like.
You can download your free laundry labels here.

{a little delightful} : laundry labels – pale blue 

and now you can also download these laundry labels in some other colours! Thanks to all that shared their requests!!

laundry labels – latte
laundry labels – pale pink
laundry labels – mint

If you want to see  more of my laundry and inside my ‘linen’ cupboard check out this post. x

Or feel free to contact me if you would like to order some customised laundry labels in your choice of colour and with the wording you need to do up your laundry – your way! x
As always, these printables are free for personal and classroom use only. Please do not use for commercial purposes.
They are © 2012 – a little delightful.
No derivatives of this printable are permitted. Please do not alter these and share them as your own.
Freebie printables are offered ‘as is’ and cannot be changed without incurring a personalisation charge.
Please contact me with any queries regarding this {or other} printables.
I am more than happy for you to share these, but please link to my original post {this one} and not to the direct download file. Thank You.