The very very lovely Liz from Bizzy Dayz and I have something to help you organise and pretty up your toy room storage.
Yes, we’re talking labels!
Head on over here to Liz’s blog to see her absolutely gorgeous playroom. She designed a space specifically for her four children to love and enjoy and it is beautiful place for them to play and learn. And her toy storage is incredible! You need to have a look :o} And check out the pretty labels, which you can download here, for free :o}
There are 4 colours and 12 labels per set and include:
LegoBlocksDollsDress UpsMusicPlay FoodTrainsCarsBaby ToysPuzzlesAnimalsMisc
Download:Yellow Toy LabelsRed Toy LabelsGreen Toy LabelsBlue Toy Labels
Thank you so so much Liz for showcasing these toy labels in your gorgeous playroom!!! xx

As always, these printables are free for personal and classroom use only. Please do not use for commercial purposes.
They are © 2012 – a little delightful.
No derivatives of this printable are permitted. Please do not alter these and share them as your own.
Freebie printables are offered ‘as is’ and cannot be changed without incurring a personalisation charge.
Please contact me with any queries regarding this {or other} printables.
I am more than happy for you to share these, but please link to the original post {this one} and not to the direct download file. Thank You.
Thanks so much Bianca 🙂
I’d been thinking of these too, but it’s been hard trying to work out the toy categories. These are fab! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thank you ! These are great.
Hi Bianca,
Thank you for your blog. It has been such an inspiration to me!
I was just wondering if you would consider doing these labels in pink?
Beck 🙂