{DIY} decorative glass bottles
I wanted to share this quick and easy little way to decorate those popular glass milk bottles {or mason jars with handles or anything glass really – let your creativity run wild!} with something we probably don’t think much of {except during back to school time where most of us probably really don’t like it} – contact paper.
I shared this photo a couple of months ago of some back to school afternoon tea prep for my kids and so many of you asked where I got our apple milk bottles so I thought I’d share with you how to make them yourself. :o}
I have been using contact paper to decorate our milkshake glasses and milk bottles for different occasions for a while now and really love the instant {cheap} transformation!
I made these apple ones by printing out a picture of an apple, cutting it out and placing clear contact paper on top to stick it to the glass milk bottle. Could you imagine the possibilities of this?! You could use photos of your loved ones or any other cute little pictures. So simple and effective.
Using coloured contact paper is easy too. I made these for Valentine’s day using a heart punch and some pretty glittery contact paper.
Now this contact paper is a little thicker so it’s great for punching out but I found you get a nicer, cleaner looking cut if I punched the heart out with the glittery or textured side of the contact paper facing outwards. It’s just a bit of trial and error with what ever punch you’re using.
I thought it was worth mentioning since the first couple hearts I punched out didn’t look great at all but after flipping the contact around I then started to punch perfect little hearts.
And the ones I made last year for Halloween with black contact paper are the cute little ghost faces you can see in the very top photo. I also decorated our milkshake glasses with pumpkin faces and filled with mango smoothies.
I have been able to hand wash the ghost and heart milk bottles and dry them in our drying rack and pop them back in the cupboard to use again another day without any damage to the contact paper! Yet it peels off so neatly and easily when I want to take the decorations off. The back to school apple ones didn’t last as long though as the seal from the contact paper around the cut outs isn’t as good as contact paper stuck directly on to the glass so if you can cut out an apple shape out of red contact paper for example it would withstand quite a few washes in the sink so you could re-use your cute decorated glass bottle over and over.
So there you go – it’s pretty easy to decorate and pretty up some plain glass bottles or jars with contact paper!

April 1st, 2014|Categories: crafts, diy|Tags: back to school, christmas, decorating, halloween, in the kitchen, valentine's day|1 Comment
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About the Author: Bianca

Bianca - Wife. Mama. Perpetual uni student. Crafter. Photographer. Baker. Blogger. Font Junkie. And I don't like spiders.
Ohhh this is cool!! Thank you for sharing such a neat trick!