The Game of Morons

Can you guess what I’m watching as I recap the weekly stupidity that flows from the computers of BSL Advocates?


Are you ready? Well, let’s kick off this weekly recap with the tried and true beastality comment, really… It’s like those BSL Advocates have some kind of fetish involving it.


It seems like Kathleen really put a lot of thought into her fantasy, using rather descriptive words as if she was penning a beastality novel for her fellow BSL advocates!

Animal cruelty seems to be something that happens rather often among the BSL advocacy and their families. At least in the family of Vicki Maxwell it does…


Vicki stood by and watched her sister’s “little brat” (her words….) kick her dog hard enough that her dog lost some teeth. I wonder, if her dog DID bite the child, would she have a) euthanized her dog, b) blamed the dog for biting the child that had just kicked the dog so hard that it lost some teeth and c)paid for the medical cost of the child?


When it comes to honesty, BSL Advocates are usually lacking, HOWEVER it can happen, usually when they don’t realise it, like this litte gem:


You know, when the shoe fits…. Considering both Brown & Borchardt (The double B’s!!):

Stalk children ✔
Take images of children not their own without parents permission ✔
Post images of children that are not their own in secret facebook groups and pages ✔

Hmmm…. Pretty much the same online predatorial behavior of pedophiles…


Many times there is a question about which BSL advocate(s) run which hate page/group on facebook, but every now and then- they just accidently spill the beans, kind of like Jennifer Martin Kim.



What was it that Borchardt wrote in yet another whining blog post? OH RIGHT, “they create these pages to EDUCATE us.”


Feeling educated yet?

You know, I wonder if any of you “nutters” are even able to read this post? Why am I asking? Well…. According to BSL advocates, us darn nutters just can’t read!


Finally, just a reminder of how BSL advocates promote animal abuse and encourage it, I’ll leave these two screen shots right here…



Someone should find out what rescue J.Bone works at…..

4 thoughts on “The Game of Morons

  1. Talk about sick fucks….all of them. Seriously, I think they all are not only pedophiles, they want to be beastiality porn stars also! God all these people make my skin crawl!

    Liked by 1 person

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