Come on. Come the f@ck on. Alright, I get there are legitimate breeders out there. Legitimate, ethical breeders that want to better the breeds of dogs that they love. Whatever- I don’t hold anything against you… but then- you have people like… the Toadline and Iron Mitt Kennels.
You know what, let me just give a great big F@CK You shout out to Iron Mitt Kennels. Seriously. First of all… your over priced mutts (Yes, you read that correctly- over priced mutts) are not a pure bred anything much less an American Pit Bull Terrier.
Hello to the next generation of seemingly legitimate back yard breeders (Yes, that was a purposeful oxy-moron.). Who the heck knows what those dogs are mashed with. Some American Pit Bull Terrier? Sure! How about some American Bulldog? Well Duh…. Sprinkle in some Mastiff to reach that whopping 155 lbs? Why the hell not? Maybe some…. Mini Schnauzer? Who the hell knows? Great Dane? Could be?!!
You know what I see when I read their “resume” of pedigrees? Blah, blah, mutt, fancy mutt, American Bully, mutt, over priced mutt, American Pit Bull Terrier x with what ever, mutt, some more mutt…. and then the “Top Producing American Pitbull Terriers in the country” nonsense. Gee- Where have I heard that before? Oh riiiiiight… from every backyard breeder EVER. Every back yard breeder will tell you their mix mashed mutts up are top of the line! I wonder how well that line of bullshit worked out for back yard breeders that created Niko- the over 130 lb mutt who killed a young 4 year old girl in Louisiana.
The scary part is…. they inbred these bad boys. They want bigger. Bigger head, bigger body, more mass, deeper chests, bigger, badder and not one single thought of the damage they are doing to millions of innocent dogs.
One thousand dollars as a deposit….
… and the break down of prices…. but HEY! If you can’t afford that, not a big deal! Iron Mitt Kennels out of Michigan offers a swip swap trade for these puppies.
Let’s talk truth for a moment- As long as we (As pit bull, Bully breed or whatever owners) allow this shit to keep going on, we will be fighting Breed Specific Legislation for the rest of our lives and our children and their children will be doing the same thing. What is the solution? I don’t know- but I do know, that as a community that loves our dogs and know just how awesome, strong, hard working and inspiring they are and can be, we are going to have to be the ones that demand some sort of something to protect not just our dogs, but all dogs from this type of greed.
I know that back yard breeders affect every breed out there, but when something goes horribly wrong with back yard breeders breeding dogs like this, like the case of Mia DeRouen– it becomes deadly and horrific. People like Iron Mitt Kennels are the gas that fuels Breed Specific Legislation.
I mean, are these the people that we want representing our dogs? How many times has this dog been bred? How many people have bought or traded jet skis and what not for her puppies?
What happens if that dog from their “purebred American Pit Bull Terrier” line gets tired of being sat on and bites the child? I can tell you what will happen….millions of families and innocent dogs will pay the price for it. Is that what you want?
Pit bull type dogs are dying in shelters at alarming rates. Can we please have a moratorium on breeding until we get this situation under control? Please?
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Right? It’s not like that would hurt anyone… Except BYB’s.
They don’t care at all! It’s all about the money. The many times my spayed female dogs have been propositioned it’s always followed by “too bad, you could make a lotta money off of her.” I hate people sometimes.
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This is exactly why we all get slammed with the same stereotype. There’s no logical reason for any of it. What is the allure ?
How do we stop it ? Who spends so much money on genetically flawed animals when thousands of really great dogs are being euthanized every day.
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Poor pups. Built like they are, they’re not going to live into even the low double-digits. And advertised like they are, they aren’t going to spend the few years they do live as real, beloved pets — rather status symbols at best or outdoor guard dogs at worst. : (
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And can you imagine how painful it is having that dumb ass kid sitting on you?
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