Yes, we totally know how thrilled he is with someone suing Caesar Milan. Myself, I could care less because I don’t let Hollywood figures dictate my responsible dog ownership. Although I’m sad that A) a woman was attacked and B) a dog will or was put to sleep because he was somewhere he should have never been. Although- I’m confused, what does Karen Delise have to do with Caesar Milan? Right, absolutely nothing.
OMG I totally forgot! Ms. Delise is blamed for allllllll of Jeff’s problems. I could totally see Jeff trying to question her in court:
JB: Ms. Delise, do you know who I am?
KD: not really, except that you stalk me via social media.
JB: DID you know I’m a expert in all pit bulls now, do you know why?
KD: no clue
JB: My son was killed in a 15 minute sustained pit bull attack.
KD: I’m sorry for your loss.
JB: you do know this was your fault, right?
KD: Howso? Were they my dogs?
JB: No, but…
KD: Was I the babysitter?
JB: NO! But if it weren’t for you, Susan Iwiki would have never gotten the dogs that killed my son!
KD: Do I know her? I’m 100% sure I have no clue who she was when she chose her dogs. Wait… Didn’t you tell her to keep your son away from the dogs?
Judge: Mr. Borchardt, can you please explain how Ms. Delise is responsible for your child’s death.
JB: yes, Karen Delise is responsible because she didn’t stop Susan Iwikis dogs from attacking my son for 15 sustained minutes.
Judge: Was Ms. Delise there?
JB: No, but….
Judge: was Ms. Delise aware of your babysitters habit of disobeying your requests in the care of your child?
Judge: is there anyone else you want to blame?
Judge: Mr. Borchardt, can you explain why you blame Animal Farm Foundation?
JB: because they dare tell anyone that pit bull type dogs are good family dogs. Pit bulls are responsible for 776% deaths in the US.
Judge: Did you just say 776%
JB: and that’s the human deaths and attacks we know because the media hides pit bull attacks.
Judge: does anyone from Animal Farm Foundation know you?
JB: if they do it’s only because I stalk them daily.
Judge: you do realize stalking is a crime, right?
JB: YOU CANT TELL ME WHATS ILLEGAL. I’m Jeffery Borchardt and I can do whatever I WANT.
Yes, I totally see where Jeff is going with this…. He’s showing each and everyone just how bad he’s losing his f@cking mind.
What misinformation, Mr. Borchardt?
The history of the “pit bull” that is easily obtained by a simple Google search?
Or better yet, what happens if you google “Are pit bulls for everyone?”
Wait- are AAF, Karen Delise, Stacy Coleman & the hundreds of other professionals Borchardt stalks supposed to take on the responsibility of researching about a breed of dog? Are they also responsible for a babysitter not following the parents direct instructions to not to let their supposed “miracle” child around her dogs?
I would LOVE to see Borchardt try to convince a judge that millions of people are responsible for his babysitters f@ck up. It would be even more hilarious to watch that judge bounce his pathetic whiny ass right out of the court room.
Does he even begin to realize how utterly preposterous he sounds?
You know he doesn’t…
Your articles are the best! Keep,on,keeping on!
He’s going to have an aneurysm when that case gets bounced. The dog was removed from the training program AGAINST THE ADVICE OF THE TRAINER by the OWNER. They couldn’t force the guy to leave the dog there..that would be stealing property. Cesar has no responsibility in that attack, only the idiot owner of the dog does.