I shared our ‘construction site’ table here and said we had a couple of activities set up to surprise the kids with in the morning. One of them was a fun construction sensory tub and the other was this matching nuts and bolts activity.

This activity is really really good for fine motor skills and helping to develop the muscles kids need in their hands for proper pencil grip. When I took Noah to occupational therapy last year this is one of the activities his therapist used and it was certainly a favourite! 
If you’re concerned about the small pieces please make sure to stick around when kiddos are playing with this one :o}

I just picked up some nuts and bolts from the hardware store in various sizes. 

It takes quite a bit of concentration especially if they’re younger.
 Noah had no trouble matching the sizes and matched them all correctly first go but the practice of twisting the bolt onto the nut is still excellent for him at 6 years old. Not to mention he loves this kind of stuff so he was having fun!

Chloe at 3 found the matching and twisting a little challenging but it’s really great practice and she loves it! She puts the completed sets into the digger and it drives off :o}

See more of our construction fun posts here!

