I LOVE being super organised for Christmas but over the past couple of years I’ve changed my buying style a little from buying through the year and storing the gifts to waiting until a couple of months before Christmas to buy and instead making a list of gift ideas through the year.
I haven’t been to a big toy sale in a couple of years but have my eye on a few things this year – whether I’ll stash them away for Christmas or not I’m not sure, but I know either way our family will enjoy these additions!
With soon to be three kiddos in our home we never seem to have enough DUPLO so I have been eyeing off DUPLO specials these past couple of months and this one has certainly caught my eye – I really prefer the less specific DUPLO pieces that allow my kiddos to use their imagination when it comes to their creations so this DUPLO giant tower fits the bill perfectly! DUPLO and LEGO are absolute favourites in our house.
I also wanted to add another game or two to our games cupboard for our family game nights that I hope we will start having more often now the kiddos are getting a little older! This Despicable Me 2 version of Operation looks super fun!
The Target Toy Sale starts next week on Wednesday June 26, 2013.
You can view the Target Toy Sale Catalogue
The lovely people at Target are giving one of my readers a $50 voucher to spend!
Entering is easy but you only have until Monday 24th of June 2013, 5pm WST to enter!
To enter use the rafflecopter widget below and leave a blog post comment telling me:
What is your buying style? Do you stash gifts through the year or do you prefer to wait until closer to Christmas to do your gift buying?
Good luck!
disclosure: I was provided with a voucher to spend at the Target Toy Sale as well as one to give away to a reader. I was not paid for this post and all opinions expressed are my own.
I pick up stuff and stash and then forget what bought! Must get more organised with gifts so i can hit the sales with a plan 🙂
My style is to stash and squirrel away gifts bought on sale throughout the year and also take advantage of the major department store’s mid-year toy sales and lay-by ’til Christmas option…
But my partner’s is the “lets leave it all until the day before Christmas Eve” style. Which means being be swamped by a mad rush of people in-store, paying top dollar for everything, missing out on things that have sold out, etc. etc. etc. Unfortunately he is the one in charge of the money so usually gets his way, arrgghh!!! (Sorry, touchy subject for me, lol!) 😀
I have a little box that I stash things in during the year, but generally I buy at Christmas time because I feel I will get something closer to what the kids will want/love/need. I always wait til Christmas to buy their large gift.
I admire the people that do buy at this time of year because the idea of just being done appeals. As does snagging a bargain!! : )
I really like to buy things during the year if I see them on special, mid year sales appeal to me too especially if the kids need new bikes etc!
Lisa Ferrier
The kids make a list close to Christmas and we buy a few weeks before- their mind changes throughout the year now that they are getting older!
Definitely collect throughout the year and stash away! I feel so much more organised that way. 🙂
I begin at the start of the year. Whenever I see something on special/sale, I buy it and store it in my room. Then by the time November/December comes around, I’ve got all my toys sorted. It’s cheaper this way and great to avoid Christmas rush
I vow to be more organised this year!! Money will be tight this Christmas so i need to plan and pace myself. I started this week- Yay me!!
I have 2 things put aside already and will get the remainder closer to Xmas.
I stash through the year 🙂 Whenever I see something suitable at a fantastic price I grab it!! When I have waited in the past, I either couldn’t find what I wanted – or ended up spending much more than I usually would! We usually end up stashing the majority of the little kids presses through the year, and only little extras for the older kids as they are quite specific in their wants 🙂 I like to have my Christmas shopping done and dusted by November – its such a busy time of year anyway, and honestly I hate shopping centres. Only problem is – you have to store it all!! We have some plastic stackable tubs in the top of our wardrobe – bigger things are *supposed* to go to Nan’s – if I ever remember to take them lol!!
I am a stasher for both Christmas and birthdays buy as I see things cheap. Not just for the kids but everyone and always have some spare presents just in case.
I buy for my kids just before Christmas but have a box of bargains for birthday parties hidden away
Louise Pekan
I have a ‘gift drawer’ for whenever I see something suitable at the ‘right place, right time’ I purchase it for a whatever upcoming occasion.
It saves me the frantic search closer to the time and parting with a few dollars here and there makes less of an impact on my budget
I do my household shopping every fortnight. Each time I go shopping, I buy a $25 gift card. By the time Christmas comes around, I have enough gift cards to go buy presents. It’s a great way to stick to a budget
I am a stasher. If I see a bargain during the year I will buy and stash it away until the appropriate time. I had a Cabbage Patch stashed for three years, waiting for my daughter to be old enough. My most recent stash is a small sewing machine which will be perfect in about 4 years!
I’m a stasher, I love picking up a bargain when I see one and avoiding the craziness in the shops before Christmas.
Cheers Sharon.
email: [email protected]
Me …I am a do it all a once late in the piece kind of gal…I spend less doing it that way. xx
I buy all year round. I love a bargain, so snap things up when I see them. It’s fun shopping this way and come Christmas I’m ready. It’s less painful for the wallet spreading the shopping over a year too.
I like to put away a few things through the year and now as my children get older I like to get them to ask for 1 thing they’d really love but I leave this closer to Christmas
Whatever catches my eye whenever I go shopping, I buy and put away especially when on sale.
Both! I’m unstoppable!
I Like to Buy Throughout the Year but there is still always Plenty to get in that Crazy Last Week
Both! I like to spread the spending over the year but I’m finding that as the kids get older it takes me until closer to Christmas to decide what their main present will be!
I only stash anything that is on a super special specifically in the toys sales. Xmas layby is handy for those larger items like last year we layby’d a swing set and picked it up a week before.
Every now and then I’m organised but usually I’m last minute. Xmas was a little hairy last year as i was organised and mister 4 kept changing his mind. I had loads of mini heart attacks!
Hi Bianca, I buy through the year with the intention to put things away for Christmas but…I just can’t last the distance and end up handing things out shortly after buying them. My Christmas buying usually happens about a month before Christmas Day!
It depends. Christmas has sales anyway but if there is a great price during the stocktake season, I’ll defiantly buy it then.
I’m a stasher! having three kids and being on a tight budget I’m always on the lookout for a bargain!. I buy things for birthdays as well for not only my family but also my extended family and whenever my kids have a birthday party to go to I usually don’t have to rush out and buy something as I generally have something stashed in the cupboard!.
I try and buy throughout the year to save having to spend big at Christmas time although I have trouble remembering who I have and haven’t bought for!!
I hide the kids presents in my husband’s walk in wardrobe. (there’s no room in mine!!) and buy all the toys at the toys sales. I love Target sales! Best of all my daughter’s birthday is in August so I can kill two birds with one stone when I buy toys at the sales. My buying habits may change as the kids get older. They will be pretty clever at snooping around for presents for sure.
I do a bit of both, love to get a head start if I see things on sale and also wait til the last minute!!
I try to buy things throughout the year when I see something on special, but still find myself having to buy things at the last minute as well.
I like to wait until closer to Christmas, in case the kiddies get anything for birthdays that I would have gotten for xmas.
I used to be a stasher when my kids were younger but unfortunately I found out last year that they were on to me and my hiding places so I had to get more creative. I now usually hide gifts at the grandparent’s or aunt & uncle’s houses. I just have to remember what I stored where! I have to say it’s also very handy to be able to lay-by until Christmas. They definitely don’t find it if it’s still being stored at Target!
I do a bit of both, but I do try to spreaad out the cost as much as I can throughout the year
I buy things through out the year if I see something good in the sales, however I still seem to be buying things the week before Christmas!!! My son’s birthday is on 27 December so we have two lots of presents to buy for the end of the year.
I usually start buying for my two boys around about now, but I leave everyone else’s till later in the year 🙂
I don’t like the feeling of being rushed and just buying what ever falls into my shopping basket, so taking time and putting gifts into the present box during the year works best for me.
I have tried both ways, and I think I prefer buying closer to Christmas, as the temptation to give the purchases to the kids early can get too great!
I tend to do a bit of both. If I see something through out the year I will get it, but I don’t purposefully go out to buy things at a sale. I will buy whatever else is needed closer to the time.
I do both. The OCD part of me likes to have things organised so I already have quite a few items stashed away (having a newborn and toddler makes it easy as I’m not driven so much by fads and I refuse to buy “licenced” items). I do tend to buy some things closer to Christmas though depending on development closer to that time and interests in new activities, and my husband is a last minute buyer who likes to be involved in purchases so there are always last minute things to be added.
I tend to buy in the toy sales and store it away until Christmas time.
Usually I make a wish list then start to stash toys. I love toy sale, more choices with great competitive prices.
I buy and hide presents during the year (and do as much as I can on July toy sale Xmas laybys).
I do a little bit for both. I tend to stash away smaller items through the year, but the main items are decided closer to Xmas – their interests change too much to determine in June what they’ll be doing by December!
Andrea B
We Layby most of this kids Christmas Gifts this time of year dont like feeling rushed :0)
I usually wait until closer to Christmas as the kids often change their mind. If there is something they have been wanting or needing for quite a while and I don’t think they will change their mind I will pick it up earlier if I see it at a bargain price.
Definitely get organised early. My kids are young enough that it’s still me decision what they get so I can load up when there’s a good deal.
I try to be organised early! It doesn’t always happen though!!
I look for birthday present stash items in the June sales, but this year we are buying our 6 year old the lego fire station ( his birthday is in December)
I’d love to buy gifts throughout the year and stash them away however that would involve me being organised. Organisation and me are not the best of friends so I would have to say I’m definitely a last minute shopper!!
I say every year that I’m going to be more organised than the previous year but I always end up dealing with the crazy crowds the week before Christmas!
I always buy presents throughout the year as I find them on special. I have a present cupboard where I hide my stash for birthday parties that pop up and for Christmas. Santa is very busy he needs to start early 😉
I keep a little present container but leave most to Christmas time, however wish I was organised enough to do it earlier in the year, especially at sale time as I don’t like paying full price for items. Christie Newton
I buy presents whenever I see anything fantastic when it is on a great special and put it away, but I do wait for the last moment my my kids “most special” present!
Never throughout the year although I should but I always think ill change my mind. Have definitely made use of big toy sales last couple of years as both kids & nieces/nephews all born Aug til Dec ! 🙂
I start buying months before Christmas and i am usually mostly dont by November : ) It is a great way to be organised and beat the Christmas rush too !!
I always buy the whole year , but after some over the top Christmases, hav decided to really research every present I buy, to only bring great quality toys in the house
I buy throughout the year but that always means spending a lot more than anticipated 🙂
I usually do a combination of both. I buy some presents throughout the year and but I love buying a few just before christmas too, it seems to get me in the Christmassy spirit.
I lay buy the big items at the mid year sales and then pick up little bits and pieces in the lead up to Christmas. With a birthday 5 days before Christmas it’s hard to find double presents for the youngest!
Sarah Fleming [email protected]
I am a bit of both. If there is something in particular that I want for christmas that I know I won’t change my mind on then I like lay-bying it mid-year. But smaller toys I usually buy closer to the big day as my children tend to change their minds.
I buy as we need them – otherwise I end up buying too much.
I always have things on hand in my ‘gift cupboard’ For Christmas and all year round – I find it so handy being such a busy Mom.
My gift cupboard is also my “rewards box” for the kids. I keep it stocked all year round, and Christmas shopping starts in jan for me.
I buy all my gifts closer to Christmas, I learnt the hard way and had to return so many things that I had purchased at the mid year sales as they either changed their minds or got the gifts for birthdays.
I like to be organised so I’m always on the lookout for a bargain through the year to put away for birthdays or Christmas.
I love toys! Big kid at heart and having kids make it so much more fun!
I am a total stasher. I have been known to buy things in the post-Christmas sales and stash them until the following Christmas. I have four old nappy boxes way up in a high cupboard and as I buy something for each child (4) I toss them in their box. As it gets closer I take things down, review and finalise in November. Love it!
Much easier to grab them on special, put them on Xmas layby pay it off slowly through the year.
I normally start around the July shopping and pick up bits and pieces during the year. Nothing like being organised early 🙂
Hi B, i stash during the year and check once a month to make sure i am on track. I have sometimes used one of the gifts for a birthday party if I have been caught out. x
Vanessa turco [email protected]