Monthly Archives: May 2013

28 05, 2013

our playful week

May 28th, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , , , |9 Comments

Hi lovelies!I am starting a weekly {hopefully!} series on the blog in preparation for when baby is here called “our playful week”. I have been wanting to do this for a while for a number of reasons. I get so many emails asking me what my secret is – how do I do detailed crafts and in-depth activities with and for my kiddos every day! Honestly I don’t! I am a normal busy mum and my kids get a lot of play time where they have to make their own fun and use their imaginations […]

23 05, 2013

Putting Together a Winter Road Trip Kit

May 23rd, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , , |11 Comments

This post is brought to you by Target. In a few weeks time we will be heading out on a little road trip. Winter road trips are my favourite, the car is nice and cozy warm, the air outside is crisp and the landscape is green and lush. It also helps if we have happy kiddos in the back seats! So I always make sure to take a bunch of stuff with us to help keep them occupied while on the drive.For our next trip I decided to make them up their own little Winter Road […]

22 05, 2013

{activity} autumn playdough trees

May 22nd, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , |6 Comments

Well it finally feels like autmun here in Perth – I know! It’s nearly winter now, but the trees around us have only just started to change colours and show off their gorgeous reds and oranges and yellows in the last two weeks. The air is crisper in the evenings and the mornings are cold! It seems it took it’s time, but finally autumn is here! {Yes, we are all sick too haha, change of season seems to do that to us, but I still love this weather!}My kids love play dough – all the […]

21 05, 2013

{activity} silly slime!

May 21st, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , |9 Comments

As a kid we used to make this at summer camp. For us it was called Oobleck, based on some green slime in a Dr. Seuss story. It was a favourite at camp, also because we would get to bring some home with us. Once you make it up, it can act like a solid substance when you put force on it – punch down or squeeze it in your hands and it will feel solid, but let go and it will just ‘melt’ and ooze like a liquid.It’s super easy but can be […]

14 05, 2013

Life starts at THREE

May 14th, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , |10 Comments

I feel like Chloe has been waiting for forever to turn the big THREE.She just couldn’t wait until that day and talked about it for months and months and finally last week she had that magic day and now that she has reached that amazing age, she is very proud of herself :o}We didn’t have a party this year and instead planned to go to the zoo as her special birthday outing. Being the nearly three year old she is, she changed her mind about a dozen times before the big day! In the […]

9 05, 2013

sight word fun and printable sight word flashcards

May 9th, 2013|Categories: printables|Tags: , , |16 Comments

Noah is LOVING sight words and we have been learning them in a few different ways that I thought I would share with you!His teacher sends home a list for them to work on and once they’re confident with that list, they get sent home with another list. So I thought I’d share with you a few of the things we do to learn the words on the lists he is given from school.I’ve also included some printable sight word flash cards for you to download and print if you wish :o} They are based […]

7 05, 2013

Winter Warming Pot Roast

May 7th, 2013|Categories: recipes|Tags: , , , , |35 Comments

I used to cook in a cast iron french oven pot all the time. It was over 35 years old, bright bright orange and oh so heavy. I loved cooking in it and loved that it was a little piece of my husbands history. It had belonged to his mum and she had lovingly used it for a long long time, and then she gave it to him. I used it often and loved it. Loved the feel of it, loved how it cooked. But it was starting to see better days and after another […]

2 05, 2013

30 before 30

May 2nd, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , |18 Comments

In September last year I sat down and wrote a 30 before 30 list – a ‘sand-bucket’ list of sorts of things I would like to do before I hit that 3-0 milestone. It’s not that I am afraid of turning 30, it’s just that I’ve spent the last 10 years not doing a lot of things I really wanted to learn or experience, but was doing a lot of studying and looking after step-kiddos and then our own kiddos and learning how to be a grown up (I met my hubby when I […]