Monthly Archives: April 2013

29 04, 2013

Dollhouse mini-makeover

April 29th, 2013|Categories: diy|Tags: , |12 Comments

Some of you may remember before Christmas last year we embarked on a little doll house make over for our little Chloe. We decided to go with a smaller sized, second hand doll house as I just couldn’t find one that I absolutely LOVED considering her age {2.5 at the time} and we weren’t sure how much she’d play with it since she loves cars and trains and blocks and duplo and her play kitchen. So we searched Gumtree for ages to find a perfect wooden dollhouse to do up and give her for Christmas. […]

26 04, 2013

what is in my bag?

April 26th, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: |12 Comments

I am linking up with Natural New Age Mum today to show you what is in my bag!I thought it would be fun to join in!! I picked up my bag and realised it had been a crazy busy week and my bag was not looking very organised. It gets like this when I’m busy and haven’t had a spare 5 minutes to go through it – but I’m keeping it real! Nothing censored except a used tissue courtesy of ms Chloe. I am pretty sure won’t miss out by not seeing that :o}I evicted […]

9 04, 2013

{review + giveaway} Lei Momi Camera Bags

April 9th, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , , |112 Comments

Hooray! I’m so excited by this giveaway. A little while ago the lovely Pearl of Lei Momi contacted me and asked if I’d like to try out one of her gorgeous new camera bags. I was so excited when it arrived and I couldn’t wait to get it home from the post office to see if this bag was finally the answer to my camera bag dreams. Indeed it is! Everything about it just works for me and what I need a camera bag for. I can pack it full of all my photo taking […]

8 04, 2013

half way there

April 8th, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , |26 Comments

Last week I reached the half way mark in this pregnancy. I still have days where I can’t believe we’re having another baby, so I’m definitely finding it difficult to comprehend that we’re already half way to holding a gorgeous new bundle of joy. I am thankful that my energy has slowly been coming back. I probably over do it on the days I wake up with more energetic because I spend the next two being exhausted all over again, but I just can’t waste those days where I’m focused and motivated and actually feel like […]

2 04, 2013

{review + giveaway} enjo bathroom blitz! {giveaway now closed}

April 2nd, 2013|Categories: A Little Delightful|Tags: , , , , |123 Comments

Hi lovelies! Happy APRIL! I can’t believe March has come and gone already.I hope you’ve had a fantastic Easter! I have an awesome giveaway for you that I am sure you’re going to love.Now, when ENJO contacted me and asked me if I’d like to review some bathroom products I might have squealed a little bit with excitement. But then thought I might have to turn them down because it would mean showing you up close photos of my bathroom shower screen and taps!!But I am so glad I said yes, because I am super […]