Once again- BSL advocates harassing and demanding that a grieving family bow to their twisted demands.
“Lovely, the little lad deserves to be remembered by those who loved him BUTTTT….” – Funny how BSL advocates complain if anyone uses that exact word…. But I guess that doesn’t apply to anyone outside their twisted cult.
Isn’t that sweet of these BSL advocates? Harassing a grieving family?
Why do these people think they deserve a single thought from this family? Honestly Gail, we know you don’t care about “abother” child much less this child.
Has James been visiting the psychic gerbil again? I mean- no one has said these dogs were pit bulls but we know that’s what it’s really about- it’s not about respecting this grieving family or honoring this child’s memory. It’s about being depraved vultures with a single mission.
Wow- calling a grieving family frauds?
Riiiiiiiiight- thumbs up on the victims advocacy BSL advocates. Can you stoop any lower?
Ah yes- complaining that someone won’t support her and obviously shouldn’t even have any other animal is she can’t even afford the necessities.
Keep it classy BSL Advocates.