
You know, BSL advocates are some really low class pieces of sh@t. I kid you not-

Good ole Clarice Larson. Proud disgusting pro BSL meme maker is a honest to goodness piece of sh@t.


What kind of woman flies to California to rescue a dog from a puppy mill rescue ONLY to bring the dog home with plans on BREEDING that dog?

I sh@t you not, folks.


She flew from Alaska alllllll the way to California…. for this dog. Why?


So she can breed the dog that she rescued who was overly bred in puppy mill. But, you know… In her eyes she’ll be a WAY more loving breeder than the previous breeders that abused the poor dog.

Why would she do this, you ask?


….. All for some spending money.

Ladies and gentlemen, these are your BSL advocates.

12 thoughts on “Speechless…

  1. It just proves, they are all backyard breeders, out to make a buck anyway they can. Weather it is exploiting children, or animals. Pathetic, stupid, and they all should be in jail.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey looser, instead of being a dog pimp, how about getting a better paying job or a second one. What a pathetic POS to get a dog from a puppy mill and KEEP BREEDING HER! Also, aren’t they all genetics experts? Don’t they know that puppy mill puppies are notorious for being poorly bred and having *ACTUAL* genetic health issues? God forbid this poor pup end up needing a c -section as many of these little guys are prone to – or a pyometra and need emergency surgery.

    A lot of people are short cash for Christmas, and yet they find ways other than using a dog’s uterus for presents. I know people who pick up extra jobs, offer to do “odd” jobs, make crafts to sell – or even start saving a little bit at a time months in advance. I also know people who really cannot afford presents and they make Christmas about family and service. They spend time volunteering with human or animal shelters or with groups that get gifts for those in need.

    And on a side note, is she really bitching about buying her child Christmas gifts?? Really? Well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that she seems to have zero clue about the real meaning of Christmas.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. So is she saying she stays with a guy that does nothing for her, buys nothing for her or her kid (or stepkids maybe)?? I used to buy for our 2 kids & he paid for my stepdaughter’s after I bought. Not bc I won’t pay for her but with 3 daughter’s in an 8 year span of age gap I just didn’t make enough. And I was admin at MD office. And does she HONESTLY make $600/mo? And her husband makes $7k? Seems like her husband (if he gave a piss) would say working for $150/wk isn’t worth it. High schoolers make more than that!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. If you are going to lie, at least make sure your lie can not be called out by people. Oh wait, I’m sure the people she’s friends with who claim to be animal advocates wouldn’t actually take the time to read city, county, or state law, ordnance, or municipal code. Hell I’ve read the New York State Constitution to try and make sure 1 dog got their justice…and I live in California.

    Yes, I live in California where the California state law says this:

    § 30503. Control agencies, shelters, or rescue groups; spaying or neutering requirements

    (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), no public animal control agency or shelter, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter, humane society shelter, or rescue group shall sell or give away to a new owner any dog that has not been spayed or neutered.

    (2) For the purposes of this section a “rescue group” is a for-profit or not-for-profit entity, or a collaboration of individuals with at least one of its purposes being the sale or placement of dogs that have been removed from a public animal control agency or shelter, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter, or humane shelter or that have been previously owned by any person other than the original breeder of that dog.

    (b)(1) If a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state certifies that a dog is too sick or injured to be spayed or neutered, or that it would otherwise be detrimental to the health of the dog to be spayed or neutered, the adopter or purchaser shall pay the public animal control agency or shelter, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter, humane society shelter, or rescue group a deposit of not less than forty dollars ($40), and not more than seventy-five dollars ($75).

    (2) The entity shall establish the amount of the deposit at the level it determines is necessary to encourage the spaying or neutering of dogs.

    (3) The deposit shall be temporary, and shall only be retained until the dog is healthy enough to be spayed or neutered, as certified by a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state.

    (4) The dog shall be spayed or neutered within 14 business days of that certification.

    (5) The adopter or purchaser shall obtain written proof of spaying or neutering from the veterinarian performing the operation.

    (6) If the adopter or purchaser presents proof of spaying or neutering to the entity from which the dog was obtained within 30 business days of obtaining the proof, the adopter or purchaser shall receive a full refund of the deposit.

    (c) Public animal control agencies or shelters, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelters, humane society shelters, and rescue groups may enter into cooperative agreements with each other and with veterinarians in lieu of requiring spaying and neutering deposits to carry out this section.

    (d) Any funds from unclaimed deposits made pursuant to this section, as it read on January 1, 1999, and any funds from deposits that are unclaimed after January 1, 2000, may be expended only for programs to spay or neuter dogs and cats, including agreements with a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals or a humane society or licensed veterinarian to operate a program to spay or neuter dogs and cats.

    (e) This section only applies to a county that has a population exceeding 100,000 persons as of January 1, 2000, and to cities within that county.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The purpose of *rescuing* a dog from a puppy mill is to save them from a life of horrible captivity and continuous breeding. Let Theresa Strader or any person from National Mill Dog Rescue find this out and I don’t think she will enjoy herself so much.

    And it’s *Skittish* not skiddish. Skiddish would imply a propensity to skid/slide around a room. People that cannot get a word right annoy the crap out of me.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. HAH!! I clicked on the link of her name and got your original post about her. She lives with a man who makes that much money and he buys her nothing nor pays for gifts?? That sounds like a classic case of Stockholm Syndrome to me.

    Liked by 1 person

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