Criminals, drug addicts, Topless wanna be failed youtube sensation, Strippers and a racist felon murderer walk into Oscars Bar….
If you talk to founder of Daxton’s Friends Jeff Borchardt and creator Colleen Lynn, they would tell you that introduction would describe Animal Farm Foundation and anyone who owns a pit bull but…. the ugly truth is: those are the the founding members and supporters of Daxton’s Friends.
It’s no secret that Jeff Borchardt is a convicted felon with charges of selling drugs and multiple drunk driving convictions, but what about the new spokesperson Lori Welbourne from Canada?
Meet Lori Welbourne, the new epic failure of the BSL advocacy. At the moment, Welbourne could be losing her job after her ignorant and hateful rants about pit bull owners or as she calls them “nutters” and her new founded status among the BSL hate groups.
Already stalking and exploiting children… and of course, she’s elbow deep in the beastality comments…
It’s no wonder she’s diving head first into the BSL craziness, normal people have already spoken loud and clear just how not funny or amusing they think she really is.
“She says that people didn’t seem to understand that the interview was supposed to be funny.”-
Check out the creepy video here… But she should fit right in!
Daxton’s Friends supporter is working hard earning those donations for Daxton’s Friends.
I’ve written about Isabella before but now her twisted behavior with her niece makes somewhat sense. It blows my mind that Borchardt promotes these people as advocates for public safety.
Check it out for yourself….
From fraud to murder, Borchardts go to guy Felosi is up to his neck with criminal activities. Felosi is well known for his creation and support of well known racist websites.
From ripping off one racist web site and creating another- the creator of the face book page Survivor’s of Toy Dog Attacks is supported by Daxton’s Friends founder Jeff Borchardt and promoted as a trusted BSL Advocate.
These are the people Daxton’s Friends recruits to tell you what kind of dog you should have. These are the people Daxton’s Friends supports- are these the people you want near you and your family?
Sooooo these people think they have the rigbt to pass judgement on me because of the dog I own?? Seriously I wouldn’t even let any of these slimey cretins touch my poop. As if!!
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Yep, Debra, they do. LOL….and this is spot on! I am definitely going to pass this along!
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You forgot “deadbeats” such as founding “Friend” Susie Iwicki, who was evicted from her home (where Daxton was killed) for not paying rent (to a dying man) for around a year. Maybe that’s why the dogs were being fed so little?
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Also – why does a simple google search provide so many crazy freaking details about just about everyone associated with dogsbite or Daxton’s Friends?
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personally i have no issue with a woman being a stripper or choosing to be topless. what i do have a problem with is that a woman who is an advocate for pit bulls and is a pin up model is called every derogatory name in the book as well as insinuating that she participates in bestiality by the same group of people who support and fawn over a woman who strips and goes topless. not a single word from her when this woman was called a slut and a whore. not a word from her when women who happen to own pit bulls are called the same things. i guess hypocrisy from the DBO/DF minions is nothing new.
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Not to mention Roger Crawford and Joanne McGinn to name a few more with records…..
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Omg..and they owner why no one takes them seriously..lmao..
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Lol, you know whats funny? They say Pitty owners are more likely to have sex with their dogs, but statistically…Dealers and users of drugs that are white males are 300% more likely to abuse a child under ten…Maybe Jeffy boy killed his son and covered it up because hed been having some ‘fun’?
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