I have tried EVERTYHING! Switching from soap to shower gel, using foam, bleach (yuk!), chemicals, non chemicals and I still can’t see through my shower screen (probably a delight to those who don’t want to see me in the shower!)
]]>This morning, I had an overwhelming desire the clean the ensuite shower. This was due to the fact that I needed to wash my hair and I could not see through the scum on the screen if there was shampoo in there. Okay I thought, school morning rush or not, this will be done. I scoured and scrubbed and nearly passed out from the bleach fumes. Hair never got washed, I was too exhausted! Anyway, retreating from the shower I was impressed. It looked clean. Until I got back from the school run and saw those white blotches still there! Annoyed and frustrated with myself for not keeping on top of it, I concluded that getting new shower screens with the special coating might be the answer.
Now, after reading your post perhaps ENJO is the solution I am looking for? I’ve tried every product under the sun, am hoping and praying ENJO is the one!