This is another craft from our very awesome craft book {Usborne Little Children’s Book of Things to Do} that a lovely friend gave us.
I loved the idea of using paper plates to make dinosaurs, you only need one plate per dino and it’s super easy :o} In the book they used white plates and painted them and then glued on a face but I found these coloured plates at the $2 a while ago so decided to go super not messy and just used foam stickers to decorate. Too easy!
Cut each plate in half.
On one half, draw a dino head, feet and a tail like in the photo below. Cut them out.
Tape them together. I used a little double sided and normal tape to help secure the bits and pieces. You could use glue, instead.
Decorate! Or paint or colour :o}
These foam sticker shapes were $2 from Kmart. We did glue some googly eyes onto ours because we LOVE googly eyes in this house.
Afterwards the kids were very pleased with their efforts. It was a pretty simple activity that we completed after a FULL day out doing a million things {including going to sci tech!}.
The kids really loved this one, so much so we’ve since made more since I took these photos :o} Noah had to name them all, so he named Chloe’s yellow dinosaur a “star-o-saurus” as she only wanted to use the star shaped foam stickers on hers.
This is his pride and joy – orange of course {still his favourite colour} and he always chooses the biggest googly eye he can find in the container. So this is a “big-eye-o-saurus” – of course!
And this is a dotty-spiky-o-saur. I think that is spelt wrong. But oh well.
I love them, they are too cute.
Very easy and great for all ages!
Very easy and great for all ages!
You can let the kids get real messy or keep it simple like we did :o}

Great idea…will tuck away for the perfect day at playgroup.
Such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing! Love your blog!!!
I wanted to let you know that I blogged about your paper plate dinosaur. I did the craft with my 2yo daughter and she loved it! Anything with stickers and she loves.
Also, I just added your button to my blog!