i love halloween.
i know we live in Australia. But I just love it.
I have hosted two Halloween parties since moving here eight years ago. That is not nearly enough.
One of the reasons I haven’t hosted as many as I would like is that I am often met with disinterest, or a lot of “I don’t like Halloween”.
What is not to like about Halloween? Dressing up, candy & lollies, parties, fun!
I don’t really like really scary freaky Halloween. You can make it as kid friendly and age appropriate as you like. Not in to jelly shaped like a brain – no worries. I’m sure my son will love this when he’s 12 though!
I don’t know what we will be doing for Halloween this year. I’d love to host a party – but most of our friends have moved away and it comes at a pretty busy time. And to be honest I am apprehensive to invite other kiddos because I am not sure their parents would be happy about it since it seems a bit taboo to celebrate Halloween here… Maybe I am wrong though.
Over the next couple of weeks I want to do a few posts about Halloween. I hope you don’t mind!
Are you doing anything for Halloween?